Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Anyone need any hair?

These pictures make me giggle, and no not because of the dying plant that is sitting on the ledge or the fact that my monkey is getting a hair cut in only his underwear and you can see his baby belly. Look at the hair on Eli's neck and shoulders. First, we should not wait almost 2 months between hair cuts, but maybe if someone needed some we could. Second, the hair looks like the hair on Cody's arm and I think it was probably just as long. Third, I have no idea what I did to that plant! All the others in the house are thriving and needed transplanted to larger pots, but that one, I have no idea what happened to it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I wish I knew exactly what she was thinking about. A few minutes before I took this we were talking about going outside. I wonder if she was contemplating the warm weather, if she was going to swing or play baseball with Eli, how good her grilled cheese sandwich was (because "mommy makes the best grilled cheese ever!"), or if she wished her mother wouldn't always want to take her picture. Surely she wouldn't think that?!?!?! Please, the kid asks me to take her picture all the time!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Maggie is a handful. We love her very much and sometimes at the same time we don't love her as much. She is very smart, sometimes very pushy and bossy, and she is loaded with energy. Cody has discovered that she runs well with him while he rides his bike. This is good because Cody loves his bike more then his family (kidding...most of the time) and Maggie loves to run more then anything (maybe not more then fetch, but she runs after the ball so they work together). This would mean that we can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Cody can still ride his bike and Maggie can still get her running in. Ahhh...I love finding balance. The following pictures have nothing to do with what I just said, I just think they are funny, and I can't believe she sat still (with a little help) long enough for us to take them.

I love that you can see green again!!!! Yay for warmer weather and green grass and the fact that I'm wearing flip-flops today and in a few more weeks not so much brown :)

Monday, March 16, 2009


I had visions of doing some really fun things with the kids over the weekend. A strong desire because for the last few weeks one or both of them has been sick. Not just a week or two, I'm talking 7 weeks. Talk about cabin fever. Although we did have fun, it didn't involve going to the Children's Museum to see the Lego Castle exhibit, or a fun new kids movie, or the zoo. It involved a trip (or two, who am I kidding, I can't go just once over the weekend) to the grocery store, taking Maggie to doggie daycare, dance class, roasting marshmallows over the fire pit, playing outside, church, and numerous trips yesterday to find the remaining things needed to finish projects. Ahhh...I love weekends filled with projects. But these weren't grown-up projects, these were kid projects.

Santa brought Eli a bird feeder kit for Christmas and the boy has been dying to get it put together. Cody and Eli set out Saturday afternoon to build this (and maybe Hannah helped too). The problem was that one of the elves didn't really have all the measurements correct. It's a good thing I have a very smart and handy man. He redid a few things and made it work. Yesterday we went 3 different places looking for paint. We didn't have any luck so it still needs some blue and red and some bird seed (which I have been reminded of at least 24 times) for it to be fully functioning.

The second project was one for Hannah and I (cause us girls have to stick together). She (we) had to make a Leprechaun trap for school. Initially, this started out with discussions throughout the week about how the trap would work. She wanted to set-up a box and have it fall on him when he took the "gold." Upon careful consideration, this was going to be a little too hard for a kindergartner to do. So we opted to lure the Leprechaun over some tissue paper and have him fall into some Easter basket grass, because he can't hurt himself, right? He would find lots of gold and jewels to help him up the ladder, across the "path" (tissue paper), and to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Man, this girl was soooo proud of this. It sucks that she got up with a fever this morning and all we could do was take it to school and tell her teacher how it worked. She was upset!! She wanted so badly to explain to the class how her trapped worked. I'm just really hoping she'll get to go tomorrow, because I'm pretty sure that we have been able to outsmart the Leprechaun and he might be in the trap in the morning.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


"Momma, when my sick "bwaches" can we go bowling, and can I play baseball, and can we go see the castles?"

Buddy, we can do whatever you want. Momma will just be very happy when your sick "bwaches" and we can have a few weeks without you and Hannah being sick :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Why do boys have to be so much stronger then girls? How come there isn't anything that I could beat Cody at? Even when it comes to playing games on the Wii, I don't win. Eli beats everyone. And I mean everyone, nobody has beaten him at any of the games. Hannah and Cody always beat me too. Maybe I'm just supposed to finish dead last. I should just accept my fate and begin to be OK with it. Anyway, we have decided to start riding and using the climbing wall in the garage because we (more like me) just don't have time at night. I get home no earlier then 6:15 every evening and then it's time to make dinner, check homework, baths, jammies, brush teeth, stories, and then bed. This is usually followed about a half hour or so of "momma" or "mommy, I need you." By 9:00 I'm done. For the last few weeks the kids haven't been sleeping through the night so neither have I. This means I'm tired. Back to the being not strong. We got on the trainer this morning (keep in mind I haven't been on my bike since maybe October) and Cody tells me to try and keep my cadence (rotation of the pedals) at 80. I looked at him and said "no, I'm at 65 and this is hard so shut-up." And then I smiled and proceeded to spend the 30 minutes pedaling and frowning. These are the times when he's sooo excited to spend the rest of his life with me. Then we spent some time on the climbing wall. Let me clarify, because he's WAY stronger then me, he can spend a few minutes on it. Me, I'm good for about 30 seconds and then I fall off. The first fall off was fabulous. I missed the mat and ended up on my arse. I wonder how sore I'm going to be 5 hours from now...

This would be nice to have in the garage, becuase then I wouldn't fall on the floor (the harness and rope wouldn't let me) and it's way bigger then what we have :)