Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I have lots of pictures on the camera to upload, but I need to find time to do that. Maybe tonight. I do have some pretty flowers that are growing at our house. I'm sad that they will be disappearing soon and we'll have to wait until spring to take more pictures. Next year there will be lots more, we have some landscaping to finish and my job is to figure out what we are going to plant. Cody has said to fit that in when I can find time, but that I need to decide soon.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Crazy busy

Crazy busyness has started. What do we have tonight? Soccer and dance. Dance ends at the same time a game begins. Thank goodness for younger sisters who love their niece and nephew and will gladly help a sister out. Tomorrow night will be dance and soccer practice. Too bad both end at the same time. Good thing Cody is a godsend and will watch practice while I watch dance. Eli has another soccer game Thursday night and another one on Saturday. Y'all remember that he's 5, right? I should mention that tonight's game is a make-up from Saturday, so hopefully there won't be something soccer related 4 days every week. Oh, and dance on Saturday. Game starts and dance ends at the same time. If I could have one superpower it would be to be able to be two places at the same time, then I really could be "supermom!" Maybe laundry could be caught up, and the house spotless, and showers done faster, and I could go on and on and on. One positive, chili is made and in the refrigerator for dinner tonight! It should be yummy after sitting outside for the chilly, super windy soccer game :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Apple Orchard

We went to Anderson Orchard on Saturday. This is one of our favorite fall-y things to do. Eli missed his field trip with school on Friday because of the surgery, so I decided to take them Saturday. They had a ball. We love trying to find the best, most perfect, reddest apples. They only look for red. The green ones are too soury (their term, not mine). We did decide that we need someone taller then me to go with us. Cody had to work so he couldn't join us. There were lots of apples that we admired just out of my reach. If only I were a little taller. We decided that we need to go back. Some of the apple varieties weren't ready yet.

This is the smile I get when I ask for one. She says this is how she smiles. I have to work on getting her to relax and not force them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I would like to introduce Bucky. He is (was) around 3 or 4 before my other half decided that he would feed us for the year. Bucky has scared the crap out of me a few times since we brought him home over the weekend. He has managed to stop the dog dead in her tracks as she tries to figure out why this head is now on the wall. Eli gave Bucky many hugs before he is now out of hug reach. A friend of mine says I am becoming countrified. We want to live in the country, now I have agreed to Bucky hanging in our house, and the reasons continue. She's right, but I'm OK with that. I did insist that he not be the first thing you see when you walk in the front door.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Air Guitar

He won't be mad at me for putting up this picture :)
I can't say the same thing for him, but I'm not sure how often he reads this so I might be OK :)
Doesn't Landon look like he's playing the air guitar? Uncle Cody can teach him a few chords when he gets older.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lazy Days

I love lazy days. The kids love them too, as long as they don't have a lot in a row, because boredom sets in and I hear 100 times a day "mama I'm bored!"

They come up with all kinds of different ways to chill out. They make chairs on the couches and beds on the floor. When they walk away from the beds on the floor, someone else takes over...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cross Country

CJ ran his personal best when we were watching this race. Super cool to watch him knock 31 seconds off his previous best time.

Now this little guy wants to be a cross country runner. He ran "miles" around us :)

It was early and these two were still tired I think.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Have you seen my phone?

Cody: Have you seen my phone?
Me: No, not lately.
Cody: Where was it when you told me who called yesterday?
Me: On the desk. (then I pick up mine and call his...insert ringing phone and then me laughing hysterically) Is it in your pocket? (more laughing by both of us)
Cody: I'm an idiot.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The bumbo is an interesting seat. I wish they had been around when Hannah and Eli were little. Landon loves his. He loves to sit and watch everything go on around him. As long as he stays right in the middle of it all, and you are still paying attention to him. He doesn't like it when he's not the center of attention.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Time to play

The kids love going to the park. We can spend hours at a time there. The monkey bars and the swings would be favorites. Although, Eli had just gotten a new football and it has become his favorite toy. It's still his favorite toy. He plays football every night and takes it to Nawny's everyday to play with after school. Hannah and Cody have been going to the park after school too. Maggie likes to go and play fetch and catch her Frisbee. She's even gone done a slide or two, but based on her reaction I don't think she's a big fan. She's pretty excited when she gets up there, but that all changes when she has to go down.