Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Batter Up!

Baseball season has started. What this means is that our evenings and weekends got twice as busy. Parade and opening day were on Saturday. We have a Pittsburgh Pirate this year.

And Cody has been working with him and he's batting left handed this year! And the coaches are ok and remember to put him on that side if he forgets.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Year in the Making

This tooth...

has been loose for 1 year. A year people! This time last year she was SOOO excited about FINALLY having a loose tooth. She went to school the next day pumped to show her teacher it was loose. I figured it would take awhile, but a year, really? She was chewing gum yesterday afternoon and it finally fell out. The tooth fairy left her $3. She thinks the front teeth are special. I think the tooth fairy felt bad that it took her a year to get it out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Engagement Pictures

We had our engagement pictures done on Sunday. Talk about being nervous. I would much rather be behind the lens. I detest having my picture taken. This actually went better then I thought. Two hours to just focus on this man that in a short 2.5 months I get to call my husband. To really look at him and be able to see in his eyes and on his face how much he loves me and how happy he is. For him to be able to look at me and talk to me and make being taken out of my comfort zone OK and forget about what's going on around me. To have a few hours where the trials of life seem to melt away and we can forget that life is hard. Life is always going to be hard, but I'm lucky, really lucky. I hope I do my job well enough and he can say the same thing :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Flowers

We have lots of pretty flowers in bloom around our house right now. The tulips are multiplying. I'd forgotten what colors we planted. And we thought most of them were destroyed last fall when we redid the flower bed. We were very surprised when so many came back. There are some dark purple ones too, but they haven't decided to open up yet.

I love the rhododendron. It has such a pretty flower. And virtually fool proof.
Next up, the garden. It is patiently waiting for it's plants. I, on the other hand, am not as patient. I want fresh veggies now please.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

He's got it folks!

Riding without training wheels has been achieved! And a monster has been created! Eli wants to be outside riding his bike ALL the time. Now we are spending lots of time riding up and down the side walk. He figured out to get started by himself also. Good and happy times!