Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Trunks

I'm trying to rack my brain and remember the last time the kids had new bathing suits. They just don't gain weight. They grow taller, but not tall enough to grow out of last years suit. I think they got new ones 2 summers ago. Yep, it was time for new ones. Eli first, cause he's home more, and they were having a pool party at school today and tomorrow. (I love Walmart at 8 in the morning.) He's talked about a Phineas and Ferb suit for almost a week now. Luckily they had one in his size. He got an x-small and I had to cinch the inside drawstring AND the outside as much as they would go AND the suit is still too big on his belly. But he's got some cool new swim trunks.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Presents on the doorstep

I feel like I should know the UPS and FedEx drivers by name. They've been bringing us lots of different online purchases for the wedding lately. But they aren't social (apparently neither am I if I've been doing lots of shopping online), they just drop presents, ring the doorbell, and run. Reminds me of the dog poop in bag tricks. Anyway, plants came today!

We ordered our tomato plants from Burpee. We have 3 sweet tangerine and 3 steak sandwich plants. I was curious how they would ship live plants. Pretty cool little set-up they have. Now I need to plant. Tomatoes, a few pepper varieties, and corn. And this dark purple clematis is going out front. But guess what? More rain!!!! They will have to wait until Saturday.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A late Mother's Day post

I take pictures all the time and always have the camera with me, I'm just not good and putting them up anywhere. My Mother's Day was awesome. And it might have been the last nice day we've had in over a week. It didn't rain and I think it's rained every day since then. We went to breakfast at LePeeps. We met my mom, grandmother, Aunt and cousins, brothers and sister, sister-in-law, and nephew. After brunch we met my mom, Ash, and Landon at Mallow Run. A few hours relaxing, sipping on wine, and playing with the kids. I could not have asked for a better day.

Oh, and my present...a finch feeder! Please excuse the dirty window, Maggie doesn't understand that she doesn't need to put her nose on it ALL the time. One of these days, when we are rich, I'll get a camera where I don't have to perfect the army crawl without being seen to get a better picture of these guys. And maybe one where you can't tell how dirty the window is :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The accident was bound to happen

Cody had Eli last night. They went for a bike ride around the high school. The boy knows no fear on his bike. Cody and I keep talking about how he's going to wipe out and it's going to be bad. It happened last night. Mama was not around to see it, which is probably a really good thing. This is what I saw when they got home last night...

I think I asked a blue million questions....what happened, did you love on him, did he ride home, did you clean it...

He's fine, they got a blizzard and you know ice cream fixes everything. Now he has a battle wound and a story to tell everyone at school today.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things are happening...

Lots of things are happening around here. Kids are crazy busy, wedding meetings to set-up, a HUGE to-do list with wedding things on it. My not so crazy thing is the garden and the small amount of time I get to read. You would think the whole not having a job thing would make life a little less crazy and I'd have lots more time to read and work on my tan...so not the case. Anyway, the sugar snap peas have come up!

My husband-to-be rocks. I think I might have mentioned that one or a million times before. I consider myself fairly simple. It doesn't really take a lot to make me happy. I was asked to come out and help unload a few groceries Sunday morning. There were no groceries but some plants for me. The man knows just what I love. He brought home a rosemary (last years didn't survive the winter), thyme, and cilantro plant. I love having herbs out in the yard :)