Homework time at our house happens right after school (and some days this happens with much eye rolling). Eli is always finished first, cause he has less. Hannah has to do math, work on spelling words, and read.
Eli hasn't made up his mind yet on what hand he wants to use. One day he'll do homework with his left and the next day with his right. He decided to use both to create his AB pattern.
Hannah likes to do her homework under the table. I'm not really sure why.
My baby got on the bus this morning :( He's been soooo excited about going to kindergarten. Excited and nervous and scared all at the same time. Monday night he had a few nightmares, we think they were from nerves. Last night, none. He's met his teacher and we've been to the school a few times so he could get a feel for where things are. This morning he was ready. "Bye Momma, love you!," followed by a hug and a big grin. I'm not worried, just a little sad that the baby is going to school. And Hannah, second grade with super cool light up twinkle toe shoes. You can see her coming!
We took the kids fishing a few weeks ago. My dad has a small pond near his house that is FULL of fish. We know there are catfish and blue gill. He claims there are bass. He hasn't caught any and Cody tried and was unsuccessful. That is still an undermined fact. There are LOTS of bluegill. The kids caught over 60 of those suckers. They would cast and within a minute or two would have a fish. Needless to say, that's a lot of taking fish off hooks for grown-ups. I think I got to cast out twice and then I just gave up. But it was a blast watching the kids catch and have fun.
Cody and Eli also each caught a catfish. Eli has this itty bitty pole with a light line on it. He casted out with a bee moth on the end and ends up with a catfish. That's like a one in a million chance that he caught it and could reel it in without the fish snapping the pole or his line. And in true fisherman likeness, when he tells the story the fish is always bigger :)
I'm 30 and consider myself very lucky. I have been blessed with the most amazing man. Between us we have 3 awesome kids; Lucas (12), Hannah (7), and Eli (5). I love to read, cook, do just about anything outside, photography, and hanging out with my family.