Friday, November 19, 2010


I didn't realize I hadn't said anything for 2 months. Believe it or not life is incredibly busy. Football season has come and gone, but wrestling is in full swing. He's LOVING this and having a great time. Eli loves the fact that he has an excuse to practice with Hannah and Cody. Dance is keeping us busy as well. Performance last weekend and another one on Sunday. And she wants to do a solo, so we'll have to add that into the mix of things. My sad news to report is that the camera has officially died. I think that's why I haven't posted anything. Stories are so much better with pictures. I'm having some serious withdraw over this. I follow the kids all over the place with the camera. I have had to resort to a (wait for it.....) disposable! I'm not happy about this. I don't take pictures of anything and everything because you have to PAY to have them developed! I do have Halloween, football, dance, and when Eli has his first wrestling match, that as well. Maybe when I get those developed, and a disk, I'll put up new pictures. Until then, and until my husband decides that his wife is super awesome and deserves a new camera, I'll try and write and keep you informed of all the happenings in the Wilkernix household.