Look at what we have! This is our first tomato of the season! It's a pretty perfect tomato. Very few flaws and so round and cute. Do you like his hair on top? I think BLTs and corn on the cob will be on the menu for dinner tonight. We have lots more growing, maybe enough to make our own salsa...now I just need to find a really good recipe. I was hoping to try and make our own spaghetti sauce and can some tomatoes, but we need way more then one plant. Next year we will have a garden and not just in pots :)
I bet that Tomato tastes delicious. I thought about that tomato when I was buying them at the store last night. None were even close to that color! :( Also, the cake part of the cake was VERY simple to make. The glaze...argh...not so much. What a headache!! :)
Ahahaha! You can't talk about eating him after you point out his hair on top!!
I think it might have been the best tasting tomato EVER!
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