Thursday, October 29, 2009

So many pumpkins

We went to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. Picking just the right pumpkin is such a hard decision. So many pumpkins, so little time.

Doesn't she look so excited? She had a really hard time finding just the right pumpkin.

Very unlike him, who was super excited about the pumpkin he choose and found it about 2 minutes after we got there. Now we need to find time to carve them. We were going to do that last night, but I should know better then to think we would have time to do more then what's absolutely necessary during the week. Eli was upset, he thinks we won't get them carved. We will buddy, I promise. It might be Saturday afternoon or even Sunday afternoon, but the pumpkins will get carved.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Plane tickets are bought, the hotel and car are booked...Monterey, CA here we come! Cody and I are going to California to visit Lucas for Thanksgiving this year. I am super excited now. Our drive from San Jose to Monterey is along a coastal highway. Our hotel is 2 blocks from the beach. Oh, and my super awesome fiancé booked a whale watching tour for us! How cool is that? He knows me so well, put me by the beach and I'm happy as a clam. Take me out on the ocean and you will be my favorite person forever. We are also going to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Seriously, I'm like one of those little kids that that stare at the glass with their mouths open in complete aw. I should have been a marine biologist. We are also within driving distance of Redwood National Forest and will probably spend a day there too. As long as I can be on the beach at sunset, I'll go wherever he wants me to. I can't wait!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mustache on a stick

These were a hit and we had lots of fun playing with them! Such a great idea Sarah!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wedding Time!

We did not escape the weekend without sickness invading our family. We were not sure Hannah would make it. She is a trooper and she sailed with flying colors. Friday night was really rough, and Saturday had moments of her looking like she was a ghost.

Paul was sick too. You can't tell in the pictures. He didn't tell my sister until they got in the car to leave the reception. And then he crashed. Let's just say my sister had lunch with my mom, Ashley, CJ, and Landon on Sunday. Sarah's husband was asleep all day Sunday. Poor guy.

Our baby girl looks so grown-up. She got to have her hair and makeup done with all of us big girls. She had a blast.

This might become one of my favorite pictures. I'm not sure when the last time was that the three of us had our picture taken.

Oh my. Really don't have much to say other then, that's my boy :)

Can you see where he dumped the bubbles all over his pants?

One of the only things I wanted was a picture of all of us together. With all of the hustle and bustle, we forgot until the end of the night. Shirts not tucked in, hair taken down, and forced smiles because they are tired. O well.

Hannah caught the bouquet. But, she will not be getting married anytime soon :)

I think they might have been ready to go home. They did awesome and it was a long day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A bubble would be nice

Sometimes I wish I could keep the kids in a bubble. I detest trying to fend off sickness and worrying if Hannah will develop a fever to go with her cough and she'll be sent home from school. I hate that they go to school and are surrounded by germs. But I only would want to keep them in a bubble when big, important events are only a few days away. My sister's wedding would classify as a big event that both kids and myself are in. We can all crash and be sick as long as it starts Sunday. No, that won't work either, we have many things to do Sunday. And next week won't work either. Dang it...a constant bubble doesn't really sound too bad. Ready or not, good or bad timing, sicky season is here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Brown County

Her and I went for a walk yesterday. Cody has been itching to get on his mountain bike and Brown County has some great trails for him to ride. Maggie and I were on different trails at 11:00. It was chilly!

It's not peak color time yet. I want to go back when you can see more orange and red. The yellow is pretty. I wish we lived closer to this, like it was right out our backdoor.

After he was done riding the bike we went into the Abe Martin Lodge. It's rustic and would be a great wedding location. We've had a rough go at trying to plan our wedding, so many things that we want to be right but that are so far out of our hands. We have decided to stick with June and let what we can't control fall as it may. We like the idea of a Brown County ceremony. The only downfall is that we've picked the busiest wedding month of the year and now we would like to try and see if a popular area has anything available. We'll see what happens. Maybe one of the few places that can do a ceremony and a reception will have something.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Little man had a walk-a-thon at school. This is a BIG deal for these little guys. They walk around the BIG circle drive around the school. Each class is a different country, so it's also called a Parade of Nations. His class represented the Philippines. His teacher's family is from this country so he was pretty excited. They each make a flag and wave it around as they walk around. The best part? He didn't know I was coming. When he saw me he gave me the biggest grin and said "there's my mama!" I love it when they can make my heart burst :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Soccer time

I love watching 5 and 6 year old kids play soccer. It's funny. They tend to stay stuck to the ball. Do you like all the different colored jerseys? Not everybody showed up, so we spiced things up a little by combining a few teams to have enough players.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cheer Clinic

So, Hannah wants to be a cheerleader. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I can do the whole soccer, baseball, and football mom thing. I can kinda do the whole dance mom thing. Cheerleader mom? Not sure about this one. Typical stereotype from high school I guess. They were mean to kids like me. I don't want my kid to be the mean girl. I don't want my kid to be the dumb jock either, but I had friends in high school that were the jocks and smart too. Oh, and they weren't mean to me either. But, I can put my feelings aside and cheer her on and support this desire to be a cheerleader. The high school squad did their clinic for the elementary school kids last week. She had a blast. We learned a few cheers and if someone could have been a fly on the wall at our house, they would have laughed their arses off, especially at Cody.

This is Hannah and Katie doing a happy face.

And another happy face.

This is the silly face.

This is the mad face.

And here would be the sad face.

I think this might be the rocker pose.

And now I need one of those programs for photos, cause I have yet to break out the money it takes to buy one of those neat editing programs. It will happen! It would be great to circle or draw an arrow to the girl in the blue pants with the white strip cause then it wouldn't be a game of "Where's Hannah." She's in there, I promise.