So, Hannah wants to be a cheerleader. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I can do the whole soccer, baseball, and football mom thing. I can kinda do the whole dance mom thing. Cheerleader mom? Not sure about this one. Typical stereotype from high school I guess. They were mean to kids like me. I don't want my kid to be the mean girl. I don't want my kid to be the dumb jock either, but I had friends in high school that were the jocks and smart too. Oh, and they weren't mean to me either. But, I can put my feelings aside and cheer her on and support this desire to be a cheerleader. The high school squad did their clinic for the elementary school kids last week. She had a blast. We learned a few cheers and if someone could have been a fly on the wall at our house, they would have laughed their arses off, especially at Cody.
This is Hannah and Katie doing a happy face.
And another happy face.
This is the silly face.
This is the mad face.
And here would be the sad face.
I think this might be the rocker pose. And now I need one of those programs for photos, cause I have yet to break out the money it takes to buy one of those neat editing programs. It will happen! It would be great to circle or draw an arrow to the girl in the blue pants with the white strip cause then it wouldn't be a game of "Where's Hannah." She's in there, I promise.
I didn't know she did this!! :) Yay!! Cheerleading is a great activity. I was a cheerleader until my freshman year when I made friends with some XC runners and realized I fit in better there. But it was a lot of fun until it got too catty for me. Also, that Katie girl has one heck of a "mean face!" And try editing your pictures for free at You don't even have to give them an e-mail address. Just upload, add fun things, then save. Okay, that is all I think! :)
Looks like they are having a lot of fun!
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