Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Igloo house

Yes please. I would like one of these. It's an igloo house...surrounded by books. It's supposed to be for kids, but I want one. The kids would love something like this in their bedrooms. There aren't backs to the shelves, so they can grab a story any time they want. We were just talking about bookshelves last night. I asked Cody if his winter project could be a bookshelf in each of the kids bedrooms. Since he loves to do things for me, or maybe cause he likes to build stuff, he said sure. I think he might look at me like I was nuts if I said this is what I wanted.
images from inhabitots

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is awesome! Good solution for people in open style apartments too! While he's making the bookshelves, could you have him go ahead and make me a dining room table and chairs? KThanksBye.