Friday, January 2, 2009

Are they over all ready?

It seems so. The holidays have come and flown by again this year. Our holiday weeks were hectic (not a nice word to use, but so very true) as they typically are. We have to be everywhere and all at the same time. This time of year would be nice have a clone. We had to have a game plan and schedule for the week of Christmas to be able to be with all of the visiting family in and still have a small amount of time for the 5 of us. Lucas was here this year and so was Cody's brother's family that lives in Florida, as was my sister and her fiancee. Lots of places to be and people to see. Christmas was great and we had lots of fun.

Hannah had her Christmas party at school. I was able to take some time off and go and watch Santa come into her room and hand out presents. Gotta love new books.

Eli had his program for preschool. They do the Christmas story and all of their circle time activities. He was one of the innkeepers in the play.

The kids were all dressed up for Eli's program. Hannah cracks me up...always posing.

Cody, Lucas, JD, Emily, Jack, and Poppy all went on a tour of Lucas Oil Stadium. This picture was on the field (as close as they would let you get). They got to see all kinds of cool places and things that you wouldn't normally see. Cody was amazed at how big the press box was.

Grandma Larney and Poppy (Cody's parents) got each family a Wii this year. This is the kids opening it; I should have used video to really capture all the excitement. All the kids opened them at the same time and there was LOTS of yelling and screaming :)

There was a common thread when opening presents for our 3. It started Christmas Eve when we were at my parents house. The kids began "fainting." If they really liked whatever it was they were opening they would instantly fall over. It was hilarious to watch.

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